Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012 update

So this is an incredibly late start to the training diary of Comfort, but at least it's started now!
I will post an update on her progress later as I'm in a rush right now, but for now, PICTURES!
 Grain is yummy!
 So Good!
 More please?

 Look at how cute I am in a western saddle :)
 See Jacko? I am adorable :)
 And so pretty!
 This is our friend Aksel the Fjord!
 Aksel says hello!

 View from the saddle

 Aksel knows what carrots are for!
 Comfort is suspicious of the orange sticks.... surely they are not for eating?!

 Comfort is not so sure about eating the strange orange sticks...
 So Aksel will eat her's!

 okay, maybe they aren't sooo bad..
 But Comfort still prefers grain.

Let me know if the videos don't play...
I'll do more updates as I can find internet! More pictures to come later this week!
- Comfort and Casey

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